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  • David Alcorn

That's a Wrap!

That's the 2019 Sheep Showing season done and dusted...ending on a high picking up Shetland Champion with Annavale Bivata at Strathaven, last Saturday - where the sun shone and it was probably one of the warmest shows we've attended all year!

What a season in all - from just 10 shows:

20 first prizes, 7 seconds, 7 thirds, 3 fourths ....

5 Champions,

2 Reserve Champions...

3 Overall Champions (where there were split classes)!

It has been such a fun year, making memories with friends new and old. Thank you to the judges who have appreciated the Annavale stock, to those who have helped me on the show days (even just with ringside cheering on!), and those who have been so kind with their help and advice throughout the year too.

Now to turn thoughts to tupping time, and see what I can arrange to cook up for 2020......

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